(Getting old; last release was in October of 2002. But a lot of people still use it.)
What does GKrellKam do?In the screen shot to the left, GKrellKam is the pictures above the moon clock. The top is a scaled picture of the building where I work, periodically downloaded from a webcam and updated onscreen.Keeping tabs on a webcam is only one of GKrellKam's uses, however. Each panel can be associated with an image URL, a local image filename, a list of image filenames and URLs, or a script that will be called to get a fresh image. The images can be nearly any format or size. GKrellKam will make them small enough to fit in the panel, and after N seconds, it will check its source again. The lower panel in the screen shot is rotating some pictures of my friends. You can also set up a script to choose the next picture. (more about scripts) GKrellKam can launch an image viewer to show you the unscaled version of the current image when you click on the panel. If you right-click, it will trigger an immediate update. GKrellKam is very event-driven so it uses up as little CPU time as possible.
Why would GKrellKam do such strange things?In my defense, quite a lot of people have written me to say that they like this plugin. I just wrote it so I could see the weather outside. If it's useful to others, that's great too. Send me e-mail about it if you want. Feature suggestions and bug reports are always helpful, if not always addressed.
What do I need to run it?You'll need GKrellM, of course- at least version 1.0.4. You won't need Perl anymore as of version 0.2.3, but you will still need GNU wget in order for GKrellKam to retrieve images from the internet.Where can I get GKrellKam?
Why doesn't GKrellKam work?Usually it does. If you're having trouble running or compiling it, make sure that you're using at least version 1.0.4 of gkrellm, and that the gkrellm header files (typically found in /usr/include/gkrellm/) are up-to-date and in synch with your version of gkrellm. They should have been included with the gkrellm package, but some people using Red Hat have found that old gkrellm header files were left behind when they upgraded. If that doesn't fix your problem, and you're using the latest version of GKrellKam, let me know.
Any extra links?You bet.
Thank You.You're welcome. |